Monday 12 January 2015

Impact of ICT on Education

Impact of ICT on Education :-

  • 1. ICT can be defined as the use of hardware and software for efficient management of information. ICT refers to the forms of technology that are used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange particular task.
  • 2. ICT has become a part and parcel of life. The discoveries and inventions in science and technology have improved the speed of communication. By making use of available tools, ICT is helping common man to fulfil his needs. It has become integral part of new era
  • 3. SCOPE OF ICT IN EDUCATION  A person from village also can refer the latest information and research everyday. Television broadcast is one of the best communication media to educate students, farmers, sportsman. The difficult experiments, advance surgery for medical students etc. can be viewed. LCD projectors can be used for effective training. The man power problem, the human mistakes can be avoided by on-line examination.
  • 4. In online tutoring, the student logs into his or her tutor through the use of internet at home. The student asks the question and teacher replies it by writing on smart board or using powerpoint presentation.
  • 5. IMPACT OF ICT : On the curriculum On teaching/learning process On teacher’s role On educational management On assessment/evaluation
  • 6.     Traditional ,closed curriculum Based on fixed content which students are required to learn and reproduce. Focuses on the skills needed to build and communicate knowledge. Goal oriented curricula and syllabuses can be changed according to learner’s needs.
  • 7. LEARNING USING ICT Motivates learner Learning process can be anywhere and anytime Students use interactive whiteboard in classroom.
  • 8. IMPACT ON TEACHERS Teacher access to :  Lesson plans  Network of teachers  Pedagogical techniques  Information resources
  • 9. ADVANTAGES OF ICT FOR EVALUATION Student accept more responsibility for their own learning and its assessment, developing expertise in the process. Teacher application of curriculum can be monitored by analyzing test results. This can be used by teachers for assessing and improving their own performance meeting state and national standards.
  • 10.     Students use ICT as reference tool. They use computers to browse the internet to look information, project information and literature survey. Teachers use ICT in research for preparing teaching material ,participate in online forums and online conference. Researchers use ICT tool to collect ,process and analyze data. School administrators use ICT tool for administrative purpose to make sure that the entire operation runs smoothly. E.g. to get student details at the click of a button.

  • 11. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector. 
    • The development and evolution of education through Information Communication Technologies.
            • 2. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector AGENDA
          • Evolution of education through ICT
          • Open Universities
          • Open Source Portals and Solutions
          • South Korea and Developing Countries
          • United Kingdom and Glow
          • Web 2.0 technologies
        • 3. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector EVOLUTION
          • Distant Learning & eLearning
          • 1700s – Universities offer Formalised Learning through written correspondence courses
          • 20 th Century – The Communication Revolution
          • 1980s and 1990s –The Internet and Personal Computers Revolution
          Evolution – Open Unis – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 4. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector EVOLUTION
          • E-Learning
          • 21 st Century Educational Transformation?
          • Adoption of E-Learning portals by primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions
          Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 5. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Open Universtiy and ICT Open University : Deffination : Distance education is based upon the idea of “ Isaac Pitman ”; who use to teach shorthand in Great Britan through correspondence back in 1840’s. The Open University in London was first to offer distance education in year 1858. Information Communication and Technology (ICT): Defination : “The use of information in order to meet human need or purpose including reference to the use of cntemporary devices such as the internet”. By G.B.Harrison. In 1980 personal computers opend new oppertuinites for students and by end of 1980’s Universities started implementing ICT into their education system. Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 6. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector
          • Oppertunities Offered by Information Communication and Technology
          • Many of these oppertuinites offered by ICT are compatible with almost all devises as follows :
          • Personal Computers
          • Smart Phones
          • Laptops
          • I Pods
          • above mention devises can be interconnected with each other and also compatible with any software and hardware.
          Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 7. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector
          • Features of Information Communication and Technology
          • Academic Records Online
          • Exam Results Online
          • Online Student Guide
          • Online Library
          • Online Confrencing System
          Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 8. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Impact Of Information Communication and Technology on Open University The Open Universtiy has a student population of 25,000 in the year 1971, but after the implementation of ICT in the early 1980’s the student population gone upto 250,000 by 2004 Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 9. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Open Source
          • What is open source : Open source offers practical accessibility to a product's source
          Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 10. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector How Open Source Model Works Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 11. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Examples
          • Moodle
          • Confederation of Indian Industry (CII )
          Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 12. -Scottish Schools Digital Network -Comprehensive e-learning portal Solution -Range of virtual Learning tools/web 2.0 -Ensures that standards maintained -Supports the curriculum -Now used by 26 local education authorities -Projected number of users 800,000 - Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 13. Applications of Glow -National Directory -Glow Groups -Oxford University Press -Gigajam Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 14. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 15. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector South Korea and Developing World Context -ICT to bridge educational gaps in the developing world -Increased Globalisation /Poverty -The African Virtual University -Distance learning -Infrastructure problems Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 16. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector South Korea and Developing World Context -ICT to bridge educational gaps in the developing world -Ultimate goal of alleviating poverty -Lack of support and guidance -The African Virtual University -Difficulties in implementation Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 17. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion South Korea and Developing World Context -In 1970’s Government moved to reform education through ICT -In 2008, 100% of schools have broadband -1 computer per teacher/1 computer per 5 students -Edu-net, the main education portal -100 textbooks available in multimedia format/5000 types of new educational software -Classrooms fitted with OHP, TV, PowerPoint etc -20% curriculum taught through ICT
        • 18. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
          • Podcasts
          • Wikis
          • Blogs
          • User Generated Content (UGC)
          • Folksonomies ( Social Tagging )
          Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 19. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
          • Podcasts:
          • iTunes U by Apple launched May 2007
          • University of California – Berkley
          • Duke University
          • Stanford University
          • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
          • Trinity College Dublin Planning to Use iTunes U
          • 64 Institutions Using iTunes U Worldwide
          • Helping People with Special Needs
          Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow-- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 20. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
          • Wikis
          • University of Arizona’s Learning Technologies Center
          • State University of New York – Geneseo Collaborative Writing Project
          • Blogs
          • Education as a Conversation
          • Helping Researchers Engage in Peer Debate
          • Collective Blogs ( ScienceBlogs, RealClimate etc)
          Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 21. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
          • User Generated Content
          • Google – Designing User Generated Encyclopaedia called Knol
          • Folksonomies
          • Used in Scientific Research Environments, example CombeChem at Southampton University
          • Helping People Share, Store and Organize Academic Papers
          Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 22. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector CONCLUSION
          • Potential of Education through ICT largely unrealised
          • ICT literacy gap between countries
          • Limited educational software solution
          • Lack of a global vision for the implementation of ICT
          • Early days, development of Web technologies, Open Source, changing the face of Education globally
          Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
        • 23. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector FINALLY…..!!! QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

  • 2. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector AGENDA
  • Evolution of education through ICT
  • Open Universities
  • Open Source Portals and Solutions
  • South Korea and Developing Countries
  • United Kingdom and Glow
  • Web 2.0 technologies
  • 3. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector EVOLUTION
  • Distant Learning & eLearning
  • 1700s – Universities offer Formalised Learning through written correspondence courses
  • 20 th Century – The Communication Revolution
  • 1980s and 1990s –The Internet and Personal Computers Revolution
  • Evolution – Open Unis – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 4. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector EVOLUTION
  • E-Learning
  • 21 st Century Educational Transformation?
  • Adoption of E-Learning portals by primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 5. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Open Universtiy and ICT Open University : Deffination : Distance education is based upon the idea of “ Isaac Pitman ”; who use to teach shorthand in Great Britan through correspondence back in 1840’s. The Open University in London was first to offer distance education in year 1858. Information Communication and Technology (ICT): Defination : “The use of information in order to meet human need or purpose including reference to the use of cntemporary devices such as the internet”. By G.B.Harrison. In 1980 personal computers opend new oppertuinites for students and by end of 1980’s Universities started implementing ICT into their education system. Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 6. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector
  • Oppertunities Offered by Information Communication and Technology
  • Many of these oppertuinites offered by ICT are compatible with almost all devises as follows :
  • Personal Computers
  • Smart Phones
  • Laptops
  • I Pods
  • above mention devises can be interconnected with each other and also compatible with any software and hardware.
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 7. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector
  • Features of Information Communication and Technology
  • Academic Records Online
  • Exam Results Online
  • Online Student Guide
  • Online Library
  • Online Confrencing System
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 8. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Impact Of Information Communication and Technology on Open University The Open Universtiy has a student population of 25,000 in the year 1971, but after the implementation of ICT in the early 1980’s the student population gone upto 250,000 by 2004 Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 9. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Open Source
  • What is open source : Open source offers practical accessibility to a product's source
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 10. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector How Open Source Model Works Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 11. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Examples
  • Moodle
  • Confederation of Indian Industry (CII )
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 12. -Scottish Schools Digital Network -Comprehensive e-learning portal Solution -Range of virtual Learning tools/web 2.0 -Ensures that standards maintained -Supports the curriculum -Now used by 26 local education authorities -Projected number of users 800,000 - Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 13. Applications of Glow -National Directory -Glow Groups -Oxford University Press -Gigajam Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 14. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 15. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector South Korea and Developing World Context -ICT to bridge educational gaps in the developing world -Increased Globalisation /Poverty -The African Virtual University -Distance learning -Infrastructure problems Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 16. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector South Korea and Developing World Context -ICT to bridge educational gaps in the developing world -Ultimate goal of alleviating poverty -Lack of support and guidance -The African Virtual University -Difficulties in implementation Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 17. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion South Korea and Developing World Context -In 1970’s Government moved to reform education through ICT -In 2008, 100% of schools have broadband -1 computer per teacher/1 computer per 5 students -Edu-net, the main education portal -100 textbooks available in multimedia format/5000 types of new educational software -Classrooms fitted with OHP, TV, PowerPoint etc -20% curriculum taught through ICT
  • 18. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
  • Podcasts
  • Wikis
  • Blogs
  • User Generated Content (UGC)
  • Folksonomies ( Social Tagging )
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 19. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
  • Podcasts:
  • iTunes U by Apple launched May 2007
  • University of California – Berkley
  • Duke University
  • Stanford University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Trinity College Dublin Planning to Use iTunes U
  • 64 Institutions Using iTunes U Worldwide
  • Helping People with Special Needs
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow-- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 20. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
  • Wikis
  • University of Arizona’s Learning Technologies Center
  • State University of New York – Geneseo Collaborative Writing Project
  • Blogs
  • Education as a Conversation
  • Helping Researchers Engage in Peer Debate
  • Collective Blogs ( ScienceBlogs, RealClimate etc)
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 21. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
  • User Generated Content
  • Google – Designing User Generated Encyclopaedia called Knol
  • Folksonomies
  • Used in Scientific Research Environments, example CombeChem at Southampton University
  • Helping People Share, Store and Organize Academic Papers
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 22. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector CONCLUSION
  • Potential of Education through ICT largely unrealised
  • ICT literacy gap between countries
  • Limited educational software solution
  • Lack of a global vision for the implementation of ICT
  • Early days, development of Web technologies, Open Source, changing the face of Education globally
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 23. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector FINALLY…..!!! QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
  • 2. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector AGENDA
  • Evolution of education through ICT
  • Open Universities
  • Open Source Portals and Solutions
  • South Korea and Developing Countries
  • United Kingdom and Glow
  • Web 2.0 technologies
  • 3. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector EVOLUTION
  • Distant Learning & eLearning
  • 1700s – Universities offer Formalised Learning through written correspondence courses
  • 20 th Century – The Communication Revolution
  • 1980s and 1990s –The Internet and Personal Computers Revolution
  • Evolution – Open Unis – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 4. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector EVOLUTION
  • E-Learning
  • 21 st Century Educational Transformation?
  • Adoption of E-Learning portals by primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 5. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Open Universtiy and ICT Open University : Deffination : Distance education is based upon the idea of “ Isaac Pitman ”; who use to teach shorthand in Great Britan through correspondence back in 1840’s. The Open University in London was first to offer distance education in year 1858. Information Communication and Technology (ICT): Defination : “The use of information in order to meet human need or purpose including reference to the use of cntemporary devices such as the internet”. By G.B.Harrison. In 1980 personal computers opend new oppertuinites for students and by end of 1980’s Universities started implementing ICT into their education system. Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 6. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector
  • Oppertunities Offered by Information Communication and Technology
  • Many of these oppertuinites offered by ICT are compatible with almost all devises as follows :
  • Personal Computers
  • Smart Phones
  • Laptops
  • I Pods
  • above mention devises can be interconnected with each other and also compatible with any software and hardware.
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 7. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector
  • Features of Information Communication and Technology
  • Academic Records Online
  • Exam Results Online
  • Online Student Guide
  • Online Library
  • Online Confrencing System
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 8. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Impact Of Information Communication and Technology on Open University The Open Universtiy has a student population of 25,000 in the year 1971, but after the implementation of ICT in the early 1980’s the student population gone upto 250,000 by 2004 Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 9. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Open Source
  • What is open source : Open source offers practical accessibility to a product's source
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 10. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector How Open Source Model Works Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 11. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Examples
  • Moodle
  • Confederation of Indian Industry (CII )
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 12. -Scottish Schools Digital Network -Comprehensive e-learning portal Solution -Range of virtual Learning tools/web 2.0 -Ensures that standards maintained -Supports the curriculum -Now used by 26 local education authorities -Projected number of users 800,000 - Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 13. Applications of Glow -National Directory -Glow Groups -Oxford University Press -Gigajam Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 14. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 15. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector South Korea and Developing World Context -ICT to bridge educational gaps in the developing world -Increased Globalisation /Poverty -The African Virtual University -Distance learning -Infrastructure problems Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 16. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector South Korea and Developing World Context -ICT to bridge educational gaps in the developing world -Ultimate goal of alleviating poverty -Lack of support and guidance -The African Virtual University -Difficulties in implementation Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 17. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow -- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion South Korea and Developing World Context -In 1970’s Government moved to reform education through ICT -In 2008, 100% of schools have broadband -1 computer per teacher/1 computer per 5 students -Edu-net, the main education portal -100 textbooks available in multimedia format/5000 types of new educational software -Classrooms fitted with OHP, TV, PowerPoint etc -20% curriculum taught through ICT
  • 18. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
  • Podcasts
  • Wikis
  • Blogs
  • User Generated Content (UGC)
  • Folksonomies ( Social Tagging )
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 19. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
  • Podcasts:
  • iTunes U by Apple launched May 2007
  • University of California – Berkley
  • Duke University
  • Stanford University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Trinity College Dublin Planning to Use iTunes U
  • 64 Institutions Using iTunes U Worldwide
  • Helping People with Special Needs
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – Glow-- South Korea – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 20. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
  • Wikis
  • University of Arizona’s Learning Technologies Center
  • State University of New York – Geneseo Collaborative Writing Project
  • Blogs
  • Education as a Conversation
  • Helping Researchers Engage in Peer Debate
  • Collective Blogs ( ScienceBlogs, RealClimate etc)
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 21. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector Web 2.0 & Education Sector
  • User Generated Content
  • Google – Designing User Generated Encyclopaedia called Knol
  • Folksonomies
  • Used in Scientific Research Environments, example CombeChem at Southampton University
  • Helping People Share, Store and Organize Academic Papers
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 22. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector CONCLUSION
  • Potential of Education through ICT largely unrealised
  • ICT literacy gap between countries
  • Limited educational software solution
  • Lack of a global vision for the implementation of ICT
  • Early days, development of Web technologies, Open Source, changing the face of Education globally
  • Evolution – Open Uni’s – Open Source – South Korea - Glow – Web 2.0 - Conclusion
  • 23. Fundamentals of e-Business Evolution of ICT in Education Sector FINALLY…..!!! QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS.

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